Monday, August 25, 2014

How to make single welt pocket

Season is certainly my favorite source of inspiration. That time I wanted to make white summer trousers using slightly transparent fabric from Mood's bag. Since the fabric is transparent everything inside should be perfect. So I was searching for a tutorial how to make that wonderful pockets with all edges sewn inside which usually belong to menswear. There are a lot of tutorials around, but their authors simply use serger to finish edges. This was not what I wanted.

Only topic about really accurate pocket which I found was this one. But it contained a question, but not the answer. I carefully read all comments, made additional research, found few antique books, but all instructions were incomplete. So I collected experience and created my own.

Tutorial is available at SlideShare Captions are both in English and Russian. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

"Project Runway"-style shopping

Looked at photographs from my last visit to NY and found this one with a bag, full of fabrics, bought in last 45 minutes before a train to the flight home. And I have only limited amount of money to spend. Quite similar to those which are given for the designers though. Picture was taken in the JFK airport.


Saturday, August 2, 2014

Black mohair top and circle skirt

Once upon long Russian winter I came to a shop, which was selling knitting and sewing supplies and saw this black mohair with thin lurex thread. It reminded me Christmas Tree (which actually is New Year tree for children born in Soviet time) and all that fairy-tale atmosphere which usually accompanies it. I acquired two skeins of yarn with plan to make a pair of leg warmers. I made them, but mohair is very thin thread, so I still had one skein.

What can it be used for? Winters near the sea can be cold enough, so I wear wool jacket, leg warmers and mittens while typing something on my balcony. And sunny enough to wear tops without sleeves. Black mohair top with tiny sleeves is just for such a winter. I knit it as one part from top to bottom. Endings are my favorite Italian cust-on and bind-offs.

I made skirt myself too. This time this is Soviet vintage pattern. Pattern looks very easy: take a square of fabric, cut circle, then use rest of fabric as a yoke.

Skirt made from rayon fabric 90 cm width. I didn't make zipper or buttoned closure, but instead explored the fact that bias-cut fabric is more flexible, so I simply used ribbon to fix the belt. Skirt is very comfortable and I like it, but it is very demanding for companions. Intuitive summer companion like tank top or t-shirt makes this skirt look cheap and I always have a challenge to find a clothing to wear this skirt with.
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